April: Spring, Sun and Nature
April can be a confusing month. Rainy and wet one day, the next full of warm promises of green growth to come.
Besides the weather, the month is full of surprises and contradictions, prised for rebirth and endings.
Even if it’s a little fresh and humid, we know that beautiful days are coming slowly with plenty of possibilities to take some fresh air. April is full of promises, and new opportunities to live the moment and see the good side of life.
As we decided to go outside, why not opening our eyes to observe the first sign of the nature that is awaking; the first flowers, the bird noises. But let’s be safe and cautious and observe social distancing.
Days are longer and the light is imposing.
Have you noticed that it’s easier to wake up in the morning when the sun infiltrates through the curtains? The idea to confront the days seem more simple then.
It’s great to be able to open all the windows and let the fresh air enter your home. Fresh air means, oxygen, energy, less pollution, clear ideas and a sweet smell coming inside your home.
If you can’t go out, let’s Spring come inside your home with our range of illustration art prints celebrating nature.